Dear Midwife, Doula or Birth-Worker

Lots of our teachers, just like you, are or were midwives, doulas or birth-workers too. Maybe you want to expand your skill-set or branch out to teach pregnancy & postnatal yoga to help support and empower mums-to-be and new mums.

We know you already share our passion and have so much know-how and skills up your sleeve! Join us today to continue your journey and we will help you add a new and very rewarding string to your bow.

You can become your own boss, decide your own hours and live a life with a true Life-Work balance. It really is possible; we know, because we are already doing it and we would love to show you how!

Our in-depth 100hr+ immersive specialist
Teacher Trainings

Take just 3 months to complete and enable you to launch a new business offering:

  • Pregnancy Yoga & Birth Preparation Classes

  • Antenatal ‘Prepare For Birth & Baby’ Education Courses

  • Postnatal Yoga Classes