Dear mums, mums-to-be & all those looking for a new career

Are you in need of a change of career? Maybe you would love a flexible hours job that’s also rewarding, where you are in charge. Perhaps you have a passion for all things bump & baby. Maybe you just do not want to do the 9-5 and instead have more time and balance in your life. These are all the reasons why our founder Clare set up LushTums in the first place!

Well, look no further, this training is for you! Training to become a LushTums teacher will provide you with the rewarding career of your dreams, like our team of 60+ other active teachers around the UK and around the world.

You don’t even need any previous yoga or birthing experience to join our courses; our trainings are in-depth and comprehensive teaching you everything you need from the ground up. You will benefit from our 20+years experience and very soon you’ll be launching your own Bump & Baby Yoga business too!

Our in-depth 100hr+ immersive specialist
Teacher Trainings

Take just 3 months to complete and enable you to launch a new business offering:

  • Pregnancy Yoga & Birth Preparation Classes

  • Antenatal ‘Prepare For Birth & Baby’ Education Courses

  • Postnatal Yoga Classes