A POSITIVE BIRTH STORY: Barbara's Elective Caesarian

BIRTH STORY: Huge Congratulations to Barbara on the birth of her gorgeous son Josh. Barbara says: -

I'm hoping this birth story helps anyone that may have heard of negative c section experiences, may feel worried about having one or may be advised to have a c section so you know a bit about options from hearing about my experience.

I had opted for an elective c-section due to my epilepsy, also a breach baby position was confirmed which helped me feel this was the right choice for me personally. I was booked into Southmead for the morning of Jan 5th, they send you a text about a week before. We arrived around 8am and were taken in around 1pm. Before we had to change clothes - my husband Chris into scrubs and I had a gown and compression socks. We had done Clair's couples class and the massage and breathing techniques were really helpful to feel relaxed while we waited. I'd also recommend making both and 'upbeat' and 'relax' playlist to give you options depending on how you feel....these were useful to me for relaxing before and you can have them playing during theatre.

Everyone who was going to be in the operating room saw us individually that morning, introduced themselves, said what they would be helping with, explained why things would be happening and we could ask questions. It was all in line with my birth plan preferences which was reassuring as it was clear they had all read if. Everyone was friendly which made me feel positive going in, or at least able to keep my oxytocin up. Even if you're not planning on a c section (it's not for everyone) I'd say it's worth at least knowing the choices you have to control the environment just as a back up. Opting for dimmed lights, music, no running commentary, no trainees, immediate skin to skin, delayed cord clamping plus requesting our voices were the first our baby hears was helpful.

During the c section the prep wasn't uncomfortable and only took about 5mins to do before the local anaesthetic kicked in and I was on the bed. They checked for numbness and while they did this Chris was doing some of the breathing counting reminders and massage we'd practiced at couples yoga with Clair. With the sound track on I was able to have a sing along (quietly) for the next 5mins until our baby was born! So only really 10 mins after entering theatre. After that finishing off was about 30mins where I could hold our baby, the surgeon had described this part as feeling like pressure/washing up was happening in your stomach with was quite accurate. Baby Josh arrived at 2.15pm, 7lb 8oz.

After we had tea and toast then stayed the night in the ward. The midwives were excellent with breastfeeding help and you could push a button for them to come and check the feeding/latch was going correctly. Pain killers were brought round regularly and you had the option of requesting stronger but it was never pushed at me, very much a choice.

In terms of recovery I felt quite faint on my first walk about, they recommend you do this within 6hrs if waking up the next day and I was more like 8hrs. Getting in/out of bed was probably the most challenging at first. I do think the stretches we did in yoga helped with moving myself around so am grateful for those as well as the breathing techniques. I'm in for a second night and my second walk around was much better, I think the key is to get moving and ask for help if you need it.

Overall I'm really happy that I felt listened to, had choice and have been supported really well at Southmead. Although we all have different bodies and preferences when it comes to birth I hope hearing about this experience helps anyone who has a c section there in the future.


Words by Barbara, Bristol UK


Seizures in children


A POSITIVE BIRTH STORY: Sam's Lovely Home Birth