Relax and Restore


Time for YOU!

In the busy rush of every day life, most mums don’t actually get a minute to themselves! We all know what it is like to literally not have time to brush our hair or pop some lippie on, to go to the loo with a small person either hanging off  you or sat watching you. Our needs become un-prioiritised. As parents we tend to have a huge list of things to do and anything we could do for our own physical, mental and emotional well-being takes a back seat.

I was recently with friends, who were going on their first cinema date in 5 years!!! This is not uncommon but speaks volumes that we need to carve out little moments, little rituals to support and nourish ourselves week in, week out. Whether that is really sitting down to enjoy a cuppa in peace. Doing some meditation or breath work. Giving yourself a nice massage with an organic body cream. Or one of my personal favourites, take a long hot soak in the bath surrounded by candles!

I do love a candle. And even in summer will light one on the table in the kitchen or the shelf in the lounge, to give a warm glow and create an atmosphere of hygge and snugness throughout my home. 

More recently I’ve got into essential oils too so finding SCENTERED was the perfect combo for me. A perfect union of warm light, delicious aromas of lavender, ylang, ylang and something I’d never heard of before, palmarosa, together with my hot, pre-bed soak in the bath, was the epitome of creating a moment of sheer luxury and nurture for my Self!! 

Feeling completely relaxed after my bath, I took my candle with me to bed as this one is designed to ‘sleep well’ and so I played some of my fav yoga relaxation tracks and relaxed myself through a lovely Yoga Nidra (body scan) practice, while breathing in the wonderful scent. I did have to remember to blow it out, before I drifted off completely, but I had prepared my hubby to do that for me, if he found me fast asleep and the candle still lit!

And did I sleep…? You betcha! I won’t use the phrase slept like a baby, as we all know they aren’t that great at sleeping for the most part, but I definitely slept like a log.

I know many new mums and parents do struggle with rest, with sleep, with calming a busy mind in our fast paced world and endless responsibilities of life with small people. So see if you can put a bit of essential rest and relaxation into your week. Carve out those precious self-care moments. Start today and feel full of energy tomorrow. 

Thank you SCENTERED for sending me this lovely gift and hopefully this will inspire others! 

Clare Maddalena

SYT, Doula, Mother, Founder of LushTums & WiggleBums


LushTums Teacher Of The Month!


Dear Body