Birth Story - Sarah and Millie: How Yoga Supported me During Birth


Mum: Sarah

Baby: Millie

Millie Maisie Davies was born on Wednesday 17th October weighing 8lbs. I decided to go ahead with the stretch and sweep on Tuesday 16th, and it kick-started things within a couple of hours - back ache only at first, with the mild contractions starting by 4pm. We stayed at home with a bath, candles, low lighting and snoozes until midnight when my waters broke.

She arrived just before midday on the 17th and I wanted to let you know how helpful I found the yoga positions, breathing techniques, ooh/om and generally keeping upright/moving. Neil was also great at the supported crawl position and forward lean that we learnt in partners yoga!

Looking forward to starting mum and baby yoga when we can!


Birth Story - Ceara and Niamh: My Empowering Caesarean Birth


Birth Story - Elodie Autumn Bird: My Birth Story At Our Local Midwife-Led Unit